How do i change the hand cursor thing?

hello guys. im trying to change the hand icon in roblox (the cursor when you hover your mouse over a clickdetector)

and im trying to change it. how do i change it?
i think i need to change this script.

local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()

mouse.Icon = 'rbxassetid://5040740088'
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Write it in a local script


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You have just answered your question right there, you change their mouse icon when they hover over a clickdetector, so you can use the MouseHoverEnter event of the clickdetector and then change their mouse icon when they hover over it.


it is already a localscript

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Or instead of reinventing the wheel why not use the CursorIcon property of the ClickDetector.

cc @BuilderNoob_Ozgur2nd

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