How do I change the Player's Collision Group from Client?

Hi I’m having trouble of finding a way of getting the player’s base parts to change collision groups on the client side. I really don’t know if it is possible or not, but I made a Local Script inside of the StarterGui property and this is my code (it doesn’t work yet because I don’t know how to set the collision groups using local scripts):

Please help me out and thanks a bunch!

local PhysicsService = game:GetService("PhysicsService")

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

	for _, v in pairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("Basepart") then
			--How do I set collision groups for the base parts here?
v.CollisionGroup = "Your Group Name"

Although im not 100% sure it work but it might


Sorry for the wait.

Tienke’s solution will work, but also know that you can modify collision groups on the client, but not create nor delete them.

I also recommend doing a Google search instead of creating a new post completely, it not only saves effort but also time as well.

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