How do i change the spin axis?

I want to change the rotation axis of the Cursors and i dont know how i can do this

right now there spinning like this:

and i want it to spin like this:

This is my Rotate function the original scipt was made by: br_cks
Profile - br_cks - Developer Forum | Roblox

local center = script.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Cookieholder").CenterPart
local function updateOrbit(ply)
	local tbl = dsm.getUpgrades(ply)
	local cursor = game.ReplicatedStorage.Upgrades.Cursor
	local numCursor = tbl.Cursor.Count
	local angleOffset = math.pi * 2 / numCursor
	local timee = tick() * 1
	local angle = timee % (math.pi * 2)

	for i = 1, numCursor do
		local pos = center.Position + + angleOffset * (i - 1)), 0, math.sin(angle + angleOffset * (i - 1))) * 4
		local rotation =, center.Position)
		cursor = script.Parent.Parent.Upgrades.Cursor:WaitForChild("Cursor"..i)
		cursor.Position = pos
		cursor.CFrame = rotation * CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi / 2, 0)

You will need to alter the positions the parts are first placed at, as well as the orbit function

Where the positions are first set is changed from

parts[i].Position = center.Position + * (i - 1)), 0, math.sin(angleOffset * (i - 1))) * radius

To this →

parts[i].Position = center.Position + * (i - 1)), math.sin(angleOffset * (i - 1)), 0) * radius

Then within the orbit function, this:

local pos = center.Position + + angleOffset * (i - 1)), 0, math.sin(angle + angleOffset * (i - 1))) * radius

changes to this →

local pos = center.Position + + angleOffset * (i - 1)), math.sin(angle + angleOffset * (i - 1)), 0) * radius
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Better yet, here’s a version you can simply rotate the direction you want

Enjoy, hope this helps :slight_smile:

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