How do i change what players look like?

I need some help to make players avatar look like character they want to be.

When ever you click the button, I clone the Rig that i want to make the player look like and put in in StarterPlayer (Its also renamed before put in StarterPlayer to “StarterCharacter”.)

Here is the code:

local Person = game.ReplicatedStorage.Charater_Doge
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

	local StarterCharater = Person:Clone()
	StarterCharater.Name = "StarterCharacter"
	StarterCharater.Parent = game.StarterPlayer
	player.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0
	game.Workspace.Menu.EqualizerSoundEffect.Enabled = false
	script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Enabled = false

Thanks for helping :coefficients:

The character must also be rigged (meaning its joints are connected) to be used as a character.

How exactly is it broken though? Does it just not work?

It does not change the avatar, yes

I would assume it’s because the game only starts for starter character when the player first joins. you could probably stop the player character from spawning and replace it with yours, but im not sure how.

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