How do I check how many sales I have?

Hii! As you can see by the title of this post, I need help with finding how many clothing sales I have.

The way I’m currently tracking my sales is very difficult and time-consuming. Earlier I saw a post on Twitter with this image showing how many sales this designer had:


I was curious as to how to find something like that so that I can track my sales. If anyone knows how, please tell me!! x


There was a game which shows you your’s clothing sales, but Roblox currently doesn’t have any features for it

Game link: Clothing Tracker - Roblox


This is more of a coding solution.

You can use the Roblox Marketplace API and calculate the sales from there.

Then you get the sales value and just add up per asset ID you have.

Or more of an internal Roblox script solution, you can use MarketplaceService:GetProductInfoAsync

Quick code I write here

local MarketplaceService = game:GetService('MarketplaceService')

local Assets = {
    -- Just place your Asset IDs here, seperate them by a semicolon or a comma

local TotalSales = 0

for _, id in ipairs(Assets) do
    local Info = MarketplaceService:GetProductInfo(id, Enum.InfoType.Asset)
    TotalSales += tonumber(Info.Sales)

print(TotalSales) --> TotalSales variable here is the end total current sales

Hi! I know it’s been a while since there’s been any other replies on this post. Just wanted to let you know I’ve also been tirelessly searching for this same tracker and have just found it!

I’ve been constantly looking at your post in hopes someone reply, but I hope this reply helps whoever else may be looking for what you were and/or gets more of an idea how to get to that tracker.

Basically already mentioned,

it’s actually within this same game that you’re able to find that specific clothing tracker you’ve included in the screenshot. There is an extension that ties in with the game, which can show you how many clothing or UGC sales you’ve been able to acquire.

I believe you’re able to then save your findings to the game, which gives you the option to track your sales and whatever else over time.

There may be some accuracy issues within my post as I’ve literally just come across it and wanted to share it with you, though for the most part, that’s the general idea of it. As a general reminder, be careful with any extensions, if they’re tampered with or incorrectly used, bad outcomes may come with it.

Good luck and have a good one!