What do you want to achieve? If a model’s name is any players name in the server, then return/stop
What is the issue? dont know how lol (tables?)
What solutions have you tried so far? trying to use tables and table.find
Not sure on the use case, but I suggest using Players.GetPlayerFromCharacter
with the character model as the first argument if the Model you’re checking is the character model.
probably just something like this should work
local model = game.Workspace.Model -- idk what your model is
for i, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
if player.Name:lower() == model.Name:lower() then
-- whatever you want to do
I think I found something out, but for some reason the table.find isn’t working.
I have
local players = {}
and not table.find(players,v.Parent.Name:lower()) then
but it aint working.
The if loop still runs even though both parts print the same name.
I believe you could just do something like
if game:GetService(“Players”):FindFirstChild(Model.Name) then
then you’d do whatever you wanted to do after.
Oh so that actually did half-way work, but its the accessories now. The “Handles” are still there, because the parent’s name is the accessory name. How can I check if any baseparts ancestor name is a player name?
edit: oh nevermind I just added a (.parent.name or .parent.parent.name) and it worked.
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