How do I check if a player has a certain amount of the same item?

I’ve been trying to make a crafting system for my game. My recipe is inside a table:
I already made the script take all items from a player and turn it into a table:

Now i need to some how check if the player has enough items

Slightly unrelated but that else expression could just become Items[v.Name] = 1.

Regarding your question, you’d just need to check if the player has the required material type & quantity.

Here’s an example script with comments attached detailing each step.

local function CraftItem(ItemName) --CraftItem function, requires the item's name to be crafted.
	local Item = Craftings[ItemName] --Verify that the item's name corresponds to an existing recipe.
	if Item then
		for MaterialType, MaterialQuantity in pairs(Item) do --Iterate over the recipe materials & quantities.
			local PlayerMaterialQuantity = Items[MaterialType] --Get the player's quantity of the material type.
			if PlayerMaterialQuantity then
				if MaterialQuantity > PlayerMaterialQuantity then --Check if the player has less than the required material quantity.
					return false --Player does not have the required material quantity.
				return false --Player does not have the required material type.
		--Code here is only executed if the for loop executes without being prematurely broken out of.
		return true --Player has the necessary material types & quantities to craft the specified item.
		return false --Invalid item specified.

Hey, I got an error “Argument 1 missing or nil”, what do I do?