How do I check if a player has voice chat enabled?

I am currently working on a voice chat game (it is going well)

Basically, I am also going to add voice chat only servers to the game, but I don’t know how to check if someone has voice chat. How do you check if a player has voice chat?

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There’s a script to check if a player has voice chat enabled as shown here:


You need the game with spacial voice enabled
This goes in a localscript:

local VoiceChatService = game:GetService("VoiceChatService")
local PLAYER = game.Players.LocalPlayer
if VoiceChatService:IsVoiceEnabledForUserIdAsync(PLAYER.UserId) then
    print("the players have voice chat enabled!")
   print("the player don't have voice chat enabled!")
   -- you can add a PLAYER:Kick() here

you can check the article in developer.roblox
(Spatial Voice | Roblox Creator Documentation)