I am trying to change ProximityPrompt’s HoldDuration and ActionText when the player is holding a tool called “lockpick”. But I don’t know how I can do it. I have tried the if statement to check if the player’s humanoid has the lockpick, but it just gave me an error. I have also tried ChildAdded, but I don’t know how to check if the child that is added is “lockpick”.
local tween = game:GetService("TweenService")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local charater = player.Character
for _,door in pairs(game.Workspace:GetDescendants()) do
if door:IsA'Model' then
if door.Name == "Door" then
local prompt = door.Base.ProximityPrompt
local locked = door.Locked
local hinge = prompt.Parent.Parent.Doorframe.Hinge
local openandclose = script["Open/Close"]
local locksound = script.Locked
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local text = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("Text").StatusText
local trans = text.TextTransparency
if locked.Value == true then
prompt.HoldDuration = 0
for _, tool in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do
if tool:IsA(‘Tool’) then
if tool.Name == ‘TOOL NAME HERE’ then
–// Player is holding the tool
Or to be honest the better way to do this:
if character:FindFirstChild('TOOLNAMEHERE') then
--// The tool is being held
It didn’t work, there is no error, but for some reason it just didn’t work.
local tween = game:GetService("TweenService")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
for _,door in pairs(game.Workspace:GetDescendants()) do
if door:IsA'Model' then
if door.Name == "Door" then
local prompt = door.Base.ProximityPrompt
local locked = door.Locked
local hinge = prompt.Parent.Parent.Doorframe.Hinge
local openandclose = script["Open/Close"]
local locksound = script.Locked
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local text = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("Text").StatusText
local trans = text.TextTransparency
if locked.Value == true then
local character = player.Character
if character:FindFirstChild('Lockpick') then
prompt.HoldDuration = 5
prompt.ActionText = "Unlock"
prompt.HoldDuration = 0
it is case sensitive, maybe FindFirstChild('lockpick') is what you need, check what is a child of the character in the explorer while testing. add break points or print statements to find out where it is and isn’t failing
I did exactly what you and the other 2 people said, it just wouldn’t work. And I am 100% sure that the thing that isn’t working is the FindFirstChild, because everything else in the script is working completely fine.
maybe your lockpick tool has a space at the start or end like " lockpick" or "lockpick ", if find first child isn’t finding it then the string provided just isn’t it’s .Name. try printing the tool’s name on equip to find out more
Nope, I have checked, there is no space before, between, and after the name, I also spelled it exactly the same as the tool’s name.
if locked.Value == true then
local character = player.Character
if character:FindFirstChild('Lockpick') then
prompt.HoldDuration = 5
prompt.ActionText = "Unlock"
prompt.HoldDuration = 0
The proximity prompt changes probably are not be replicated to the server, thus it seems like nothing is happening. You might have to only set prompt.Visible and switch visibility on a “pick lock” vs “open” prompt; but Visible might have the same issue I’m not sure.
True but repeating this big descendant search will be very bad for performance. Checking all doors on lockpick equip would be much more efficient
for _,door in pairs(game.Workspace:GetDescendants()) do
if door:IsA'Model' and door.Name == "Door" then
-- ...
if locked.Value == true then
prompt.HoldDuration = 5
prompt.ActionText = "Unlock"
for _,door in pairs(game.Workspace:GetDescendants()) do
if door:IsA'Model' and door.Name == "Door" then
-- ...
if locked.Value == true then
prompt.HoldDuration = 0
prompt.ActionText = "Locked!"
because as I told you the code run first then the tool appears so that’s why the if statement didn’t work because the script didn’t found any tools in the player’s character yet…
You script would run from top to bottom at the start of the game.
it goes through every object looking for doors, when it finds a door it checks if the player is holding a lockpick; but the player is never holding a lockpick at the start, so this is false. The script ends when it hits the bottom since there is nothing telling it to check again.
@THEWOLF5555555 's example does the same script from top to bottom, but the repeat tells it to wait for the next frame then check again. This works but is bad because it is doing a lot of extra checking.
In my example the Equipped:Connect(...) tells the game to run your script only when the player equips a lockpick, so it is more accurately checking when needed.
-- inside tool's local script
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local tool = script.Parent
Like this! player is still accessible since it is a local script, the tool is always the script’s parent.
If you need the character then you can get it with tool.Parent or player.Character but do not save this as a global variable as the tool’s owner can and will change on death, equip, and unequip.