How Do I Check If the Player Has Jumped In The Last Second

I’m currently trying to create a jump fatigue system. I have the section in place where it lowers the player’s jump power every time they jump, but I’m now stuck. How would I detect if the player has jumped in the last second? I need this because if they didn’t, the jump power will be reset to normal. In a way, kinda like Fortnite’s jump fatigue system.

Code that updates jump power:

local function UpdateJumpPower()
	if JumpAmt == 3 then

		Hum.JumpPower = Jump3Power

	elseif JumpAmt == 4 then

		Hum.JumpPower = Jump4Power

	elseif JumpAmt >= 5 then

		Hum.JumpPower = Jump5Power
		Hum:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping, false)
		Hum:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping, true)


Hum.StateChanged:Connect(function(OldState, NewState)
	if NewState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping then
		JumpAmt += 1

As you can see, I remove the player’s jump power, but I need a way to detect when they haven’t jumped for a second, so I can give it back.
You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

Example of Fortnite’s system: How Does Jump Fatigue Work in Fortnite? - YouTube

I’ve thoroughly searched youtube, and DevForum, but couldn’t find anything. I’ve been stuck at this for a while, so any help would be great.

Greatly appreciated, Lukas.


You could set a variable to os.time when like y’know the fatigue needs to start. Then after whatever interval just subtract the current os.time value from the one you assigned to the variable.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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Hey, what is this script under? The workspace? StarterCharacter scripts? We need that kind of information so we can find out how to keep your script working without changing the parent and ruining other scripts that may rely on the code you have here.

This works well, however, I run into an issue. The first few jumps after the pause are very static, almost as if the jumpower is constantly changing. Why would that be?

Video: Choppy Jump Fatigue


local function UpdateJumpPower()
	if JumpAmt == 0 then
		Hum.JumpPower = 50
	elseif JumpAmt == 3 then

		Hum.JumpPower = Jump3Power

	elseif JumpAmt == 4 then

		Hum.JumpPower = Jump4Power

	elseif JumpAmt >= 5 then

		Hum.JumpPower = Jump5Power
		Hum:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping, false)
		Hum:SetStateEnabled(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping, true)


Hum.StateChanged:Connect(function(OldState, NewState)
	if NewState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping then

		if os.clock() - LastJumpedTime >= 1 then
			JumpAmt = 0
		LastJumpedTime = os.clock()
		JumpAmt += 1
local Hum = script.Parent -- Keep your variable for the humanoid.

	if Jumping == true then
		Hum.JumpPower = Hum.JumpPower - 1

Try changing your function to this one. Be sure to include the “Jumping” boolean.

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I belive its because it only resets after it receives the jump request, making the first jump at the 5th jump power. Is there a way I could stop that first jump from happening and then make the player jump via script?

Are you showing us the entire script? It’s hard to find the problem if you’re only giving us fractions of it.

Here, I created this for you with the information that I’ve gathered. Try and see if it works.

local Hum = script.Parent -- Change this to whatever you need
local Resting = false -- Remove this is need be.

local function RegenStamina(Stamina, Jumping, MaxJumpAmt)
	while true do
		if Jumping == false and Stamina ~= MaxJumpAmt then
		    Stamina = Stamina + 1
		elseif Jumping == true or Stamina == MaxJumpAmt then

local function UpdateJumpPower(Humanoid, Jumping)
	local MaxJumpAmt = Humanoid.JumpPower
    local JumpAmt = Humanoid.JumpPower
	if Jumping == true then
		JumpAmt = JumpAmt - 1 -- Change this to whatever you need.
	elseif Jumping == false and Resting == false --[[Remove this if you removed the "Resting" boolean.]] then
		Resting = true -- Remove this if you removed the "Resting" boolean.
		task.wait(3) -- Change this to whatever. Remove this if you removed the "Resting" boolean.
		RegenStamina(JumpAmt, Jumping, MaxJumpAmt)
		Resting = false -- Remove this as well if you removed the "Resting" boolean.

	UpdateJumpPower(Hum, Jumping)

Adjust these functions however you need to.

This is the whole script. Is that an issue?