I am trying to make an if statement that checks if a parts rotation is > 0 or < 0 then it does something, but I’m not sure how, could someone help me with this?
If you want to compare the Z angle, probably something like this
local part = workspace.Part -- the part you wanna compare
if part.Orientation.Z > 0 then
-- code for when Z angle is greater than 0
-- code for when Z angle is less than or equal to 0
if you want to do it based on degrees and not radians you need to multiply the Orientation.Z value by 57.295779513082
if part.Orientation.Z * 57.295779513082 > 0 then
– code for when Z angle is greater than 0
– code for when Z angle is less than or equal to 0
or if you want to check if it’s negative or positive:
if part.Orientation.Z > 0 then
– code for when Z angle is positive
– code for when Z angle is negative
-- code for when Z angle is greater than 0
-- code for when Z angle is less than or equal to 0