How do I configure the way a tools looks


When A Player Gets A Tool On There Screen They Have This ^ how do I configure it to look more cooler

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Change the TextureId of the tool.

I want the background to be round is there a way to do that

What exactly do you mean by ‘more cooler’? I am unsure what you are trying to get done here.

The background to be round the picture to be changed is there a way to do that

Configuring such things will take a bit of time, I will not write out an entire script for this matter. Instead, I would find a YouTube video to work with. If you simply want the tool icon to be changed, find the tool’s TextureId property.

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If you want to customize the tool more, then you need to disable default backpack and make your own inventory system. You can look up on YouTube on how to make a custom backpack/inventory system.

If you just want to change the icon, then you can just change the TextureId property.