I’m trying to connect these two tunnels at a corner using unions, but I can’t think of how I would do it while keeping it staying smooth. I’ve looked for a solution, but all I can find is stuff that isn’t too related to what I’m asking.
Awww its a heart lol
anyhow, you could use a plugin like Archimedes to create a cylinder shape and stuff.
Already thought of that but it won’t work for this situation, at least not in a way I can think of.
The corner should be something like this:
but I’m not sure how to have it to where this part connects together:

You’re probably just gonna have to wing it with random parts n stuff in order to get the output you want, considering roblox doesnt have something for this.
Or you could recreate the shape in blender and make it
Time to learn blender! Its actually kinda fun, so dont be too intimidated
Well, I was eventually able to achieve what I was trying to do… in probably the worst way possible since I can’t move a single block as the whole thing is now one union because I couldn’t fix the z-fighting. I really need to learn blender eventually.
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