How do I convert a flat image into a 3D model?

I am developing a strategic game where players can interact with a world map and upgrade selected territories. To facilitate the creation of administrative divisions for each state in the fantasy world, I am looking for a 2D to 3D flat image converter. Where can I find one?


Not too sure what you’re looking for? You want players to create their own land and you want to recreate that procedurally and automatically in-game?
Could you please elaborate?

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I need to create an administrative division of the state in advance (for example, the capital, province). For understanding, this is something like a strategy game, such as Hearts of Iron.

But what do you want in a technical sense?? Like why did you post in building-support for example

I will create the map myself in advance. I mean, you need to have a flat image and load it into a certain program, and get a flat three-dimensional model. I tried using a PNG to OBJ converter, but it doesn’t convert accurately, as a result I can’t merge the two territories that were joined in the photo editor.

Can’t you create them in Blender or studio using unions?? unions obviously worse but if u cant use blender.

Why would you need any type of image to 3d converter when you could just build/model it?
You could try tracing from the image (insert image and stuff, although it is easier in blender) and then scale as needed.

Yeah, I can build it using the Curve Cutter plugin, but it’s very painful, and Blender is much more painful.

There really isn’t any easy one-click way to do this. You need to put the painful effort in to do really anything. How complex is the map because this really cannot take long to do since it’s just tracing?

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Well, Blender is a good way! Just could you tell me what you mean by the image tracing function?

There is no image tracing function. I’m being literal when I mean image tracing.

By image tracing I mean putting an image physically in the workspace/viewport and then moving each individual vertex to the sides of the image. This can be done in studio as well (just use parts instead than union them).

No, that won’t do. There is a special TraceGenius Pro plugin that allows you to do this automatically, but it is paid. Are there any free alternatives?

Plugin-wise, not from what I’ve seen but I might be wrong. Also would be nice to give context on how complex the map is…?

Anyways, I think I found a pretty decent solution. Not sure if it’s the easiest free one but simple enough if you know how to very basically use blender.

Created a pretty basic little island with a few tiny islands branching off in a regular image/graphics creation tool. Then exported the image as an SVG.

After that I imported into blender, which imports it as (generally several) curves. I converted them all to meshes, then joined them into one mesh to simplify the process. I then decimated it to remove any unnecessary geometry to once again simplify the whole process.

After that, it was basically done except for a few geometrical artifacts the curves left. I just deleted said artifacts (generally appears on edges and makes stuff like weird sometimes). If you have this issue tell me and I’ll provide a more in-depth solution to it.

I managed to get a very solid and accurate recreation of the quick drawing I made.

Please tell me if this isn’t a viable solution or you want me to expand further on certain parts of this. Otherwise, best of luck!

In that case, what did you use to convert the image? Since when I tried it, it turned out crookedly and blocky, as shown in the picture:

Nono, I didn’t convert it. Converters end up not working great half the time. I was using Sketchpad. Generally most graphic creation software, offline or online, have a way to save the created image as an SVG. I would assume increasing resolution might help as well but that might be arbitrary.

And if I need to successfully convert an already prepared non-vector image to svg?

Then find a suitable converter. I used this pretty round arrow png and turned it into an svg.

Very smooth results, I don’t get why your map would be less smooth than this.
I used Adobe Express.

If this still doesn’t work try increasing resolution of the image before converting.

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This is how I always do it. When im making a sign I split it into layers and change the heights of each to give it more depth.

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