How do I convert a number into its word format?

I want to convert numbers into their word format, so for example 10 into ten.
Is there a method I can use?


you probably have to do it manually
I recommend a dictionary

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Use a dictionary how? I think table would be better

dictionary is like a table but everything is assigned a value like this

local numbers = {
1 = “one”,
2 = “two”,
3 = “three”

also yeah looking back you could also use a table cuz the index value would be numbers so you could use a table it would easier

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Yes I know what dictionary is but I see why you thought dictionary was good choice.

Use tostring(yourNumber)

Does that just convert it to string or turn into word format

I don’t understand what you mean by a word format but it convets a number into a string like :
the number 11 would be tostring(11) -- Equal to "11"

That’s not what he wants to achieve, read the topic carefully:

The (best) way to do this is to manually use a table, either:
An array containing the word format in order from 1 and just search it up with the number input as the index, for example {“one”, “two”, …}
Or a dictionary of any number like {4 = “four”, 7 = “seven”, …} then search it up with the number input

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You could have a dictionary for every unit in a bunch of places (1, 10, 100, etc.) and just see which number is in every place in the entire number then convert it to a string back to front
It could get a bit messy especially in the thousands where the only distinction is a number in front of “thousand” but you could probably fix that with some automated table stuff.

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