How do I convert Color3 values into Color3 RGB values

I’m looking forward to saving skin colour however, when they come in values of Color3 like 0.3213, 0.23123, 0.312321 it doesn’t seem right to save, i’d rather if it came in RGB value like 255,255,255

I printed out the skincolour.value yet it printed out as a value instead of color3.RGB as it is display on the right hand

Can anyone tell me how i can convert it into color3 rgb values, because I want to save the skin colour into data base, but i don’t know if saving those color3 values like 0.233423, 0.23123,0.21312312 would be a good idea?

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Multiply each value inside like the 0.3213 by 255 so

0.3213 * 255 = normal RGB color value

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Here is a quick function that returns a tuple of the colors in RGB format, just put the color3 or the value into the function and it will return the RGB

function color3torgb(color3)
    return color3.R*255,color3.G*255,color3.B*255

All you need to do is multiply the 3 components of the Color3 value by 255 and then you’ll have the RGB values of that Color3 value.