I have been spending the last 3-4 hours trying to find a way to duplicate two daggers and tween them to where they hit without needing to change the rotation. I think the better way of doing this is to have them tween to where they hit with their orientation an inverse look vector(or a look away) at playerTorso but I am not sure how to inverse a look vector. I actually don’t know what a look vector is, I was only using the CFrame.new(vector3 pos, vector3 lookAt). My code is:
local mag = (MousePosition - plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude
local TI = TweenInfo.new(mag * script.Parent.Config.ThrowSpeed.Value,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
local CFrame_ = CFrame.new(MousePosition, plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
local a = CFrame.new(MousePosition) * CFrame.Angles(script.Parent.LeftDagger.Orientation.X,script.Parent.LeftDagger.Orientation.Y,script.Parent.LeftDagger.Orientation.Z)
local LeftClone = game.ServerStorage.WeaponStorage.Daggers.Dagger:Clone()
local RightClone = game.ServerStorage.WeaponStorage.Daggers.Dagger:Clone()
LeftClone.CFrame = script.Parent.LeftDagger.CFrame
RightClone.CFrame = script.Parent.RightDagger.CFrame
LeftClone.Parent = workspace
RightClone.Parent = workspace
local LDaggerTween = TS:Create(LeftClone,TI,{CFrame = a })
local RDaggerTween = TS:Create(RightClone,TI,{CFrame = a })