How do I create a local Baseplate place?

Before, you could just press on a template place to create a place that isn’t published or attached to a experience, but with the recent new Studio update, it’s forcing you to publish and create a experience. I don’t want this behavior at all, especially if I just want to mini-test a module or something, it creates clutter in the my games section.


Could you show what “forcing you to publish” looks like? When I press on “Baseplate”, it just creates a new, unsaved, unpublished place called “Place1” and I can publish it if I want.


  • You didn’t get the update yet
  • You need to update Studio
  • Something else?

But it is actually forcing me to publish, pressing Create now publishes the selected template to a new place

My Studio is up to date and I don’t think Roblox can automatically publish your places. It would only be a waste of storage for them, as every single place people create accidentally or just for testing takes up space (data).

What happens when you press FILE > New while inside a published place?

Edit: What happens when you create a new place without internet connection?

Can you just save it to a file on your computer and then just delete it?

Honestly this is stupid I used to be able to load template places all the time without publishing them and when I was finished with it I would publish it. But now I can’t do this because of dumb update. And also I need template places for testing stuff. The template system was already good on it’s own, Roblox didn’t need to tamper with it.

Yeah, but it’s inconvenient and you would need to resave the template if you accidentally save the file

Studio doesn’t even work offline

Now that I notice it, it’s a beta feature but it would be appreciated if Roblox could allow us to do this instead of forcing it to be published before it gets released from beta

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Studio can work offline, but only if you loaded your place with internet, and then lose it. You will also be able to test it with “Run” to only server or play it with Noob/Dummy/CustomCharacter avatars.
And now the main point: In local files you can SAVE everything even if your internet is off.
So, I think studio can work offline, but it’s not ideal system now.

Yeah, you wouldn’t be able to use any plugins.

I can use all my plugins even if I offline.

Found a solution to this. (Hopefully a permanent one)

Make sure that Enable Team Create for new experiences by default is disabled
in Beta Features otherwise it will require you to create a place.

With it disabled:

This is not a permanent solution yet, it’s a beta feature so it’s eventually forced unless they add a toggle outside of the beta settings

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