How do I create a pet system similar to this?

Hey Devs!

I was wondering about the Pet system you see around Roblox. Ive seen proof that people like @oryRBX @ObscureEntity and more have been using. It’s essentially much were you get coins to buy an egg and It’s in an incubator and you buy and it hatches. My questions are. Is there a way I can get my hands on this system? Am I missing something? Thanks from John.

Games you can see it taking place:

And more!


This implies that the games listed are all using the exact same source code for their pet systems - which I would argue is false. It is a simple system to create, i’m certain those games are not using a plug 'n play source.

Can you elaborate? missing about what?


If you mean you don’t understand the intention or purpose of pets (the ones that don’t offer any gameplay value like buffs), pets are basically just another player customization avenue to sell more accessories/cosmetics.

If you mean something else, as Fm_Trick said - you’ll have to elaborate :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey Fm_Trick. When I said that I meant like if they all have something I don’t know about like the same person who made the pet system. I didn’t mean anything directly. It’s just meant to mean feel free to add on anything that I am not aware of. For example if I weren’t aware of buffs you could put “What about buffs?”.

Your post title and contents do not match up. Your post title asks how to create a pet system, while your post content seems like a job offer suited for the Collaboration thread. Please clarify your intent with this thread and go into detail what it is you’re looking for.

Scripting Support is not the place to host offers.

About your actual post:

There is no the for this. Each developer makes their own system differently, some may end up visually looking similar but behind the scenes that is almost definitely not the case.

No. You can create it or host a job offer to have one created for you in the Collaboration category.

#collaboration:recruitment or #public-collaboration:public-recruitment

Question very unclear.


They all look the same because those types of games all copy each other