How do I create a plugin menu?

Hello! I am interested in learning how plug-ins work so I could make them to be useful for me or other people in studio. I have watched multiple tutorials about this, but I haven’t seen a tutorial on how to make a plugin “Menu” (Not as a ScreenGui) that is like the properties or output window that can be dragged around and snapped in areas. I have tried the developer roblox website api, but it does not explain it very well. Is anyone able to help me with advice or links to helpful tutorials? Thank you for your support :slight_smile:

By programming a plugin there is a ton of features you can explore, but I recently started making plugins and I think this articles would be very helpful:

Toolbar: PluginToolbar | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo: DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

A simple example would be:

local toolbar = plugin:CreateToolbar("Toolbar Name")
local btn = toolbar:CreateButton("Button Name", "Description", "rbxassetid://<Image Id>")

local widgetInfo =
	Enum.InitialDockState.Float,  -- Widget will be initialized in floating panel
	false,   -- Widget will be initially enabled
	false,  -- Don't override the previous enabled state
	250,    -- Default width of the floating window
	30,    -- Default height of the floating window
	250,    -- Minimum width of the floating window (optional)
	30     -- Minimum height of the floating window (optional)

local mainPluginUI = plugin:CreateDockWidgetPluginGui("EasyCodeUI", widgetInfo)
mainPluginUI.Title = "Menu"

	mainPluginUI.Enabled = not mainPluginUI.Enabled

Hope I helped anyway, if you have any questions just ask. :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: To add UI elements to the DockWidgetPlugin just parent the Frame, buttons… to mainPluginUI (In this case)


Wow, thank you, I will test it out right now, hope it helps :slight_smile: