How do I create a round edge for a building

Hey developers,

So I’m trying to make a round edge for a building and I’m unable to figure out a way to so do. I don’t want to step into anything advance like blender, so I’m assuming there’s a plug in for this that could allow me to do this all in studio? Take a look at this screen shot and see if it helps you understand my situation a little better. I want to build a balcony that’s like a half circle. I’ll try to better explain when you ask questions since it’s difficult right now.


Plugin is the best and most effective way

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Do you have any suggestions for what plugin I should use?


You can do this with unions. Use two bricks, then a cylinder. I can show you a picture later as I cannot access studio at the moment. Another way to do this is by using plugins which might be more complicated tbh. Use ‘Archimedes’. Fairly simple to use.

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Yeah, I put a couple in-studio options at the end, you can either use unions or parts. Unions are pretty self-explanatory but if you want a plugin that does it with parts, I used archimedes.

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Is this what you mean?

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There are many ways you can achieve this result

1 use a union for the corner (self explanatory)

2 use archimedes (plugin) this plugin allows you to make smooth angles and curves without any deformation. You simply select the right axes and correct angle and you hit enter a few times until the curves is round enough

i hope this solves your question


Not really. Let me just do it brb.

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Here’s the studio if you want to take a closer look.
round corner.rbxl (31.2 KB)


  1. Put the cylinder, then add two bricks and align them to the center of the cylinder.
  2. Duplicate the bricks, position and size (No need to make it longer or anything, just make it taller) them like in the picture. Then duplicate the cylinder and align them to the other two bricks. Make sure your two bricks are covering the yellow cylinder, you don’t wanna miss a chunk of it.
  3. Negate the dupes.
  4. Select all of them and then union.

Adjust your cylinder’s size until it’s round enough for you.



Oh ok I see how that was done, thanks!


Very cool, thanks for posting:

6 of these angles rotated and stacked