How do i create an "above clouds" effect?

Self explanatory, how would i create an above clouds effect?

edit: i realized i worded that bad. I meant like the player is above the clouds

Go to terrain:
Screenshot 2024-03-11 171559
Then Click the Plus beside it, and add in an effect called Clouds.
Screenshot 2024-03-11 171653
And you should have some clouds in the sky

You can change their properties (And how they react with wind as well I believe)

an above clouds effect. Like the player is above the clouds. not clouds in the sky

Look into this community resource

You can try to have some sort of Model or Group of parts be like Clouds. You can also delete the baseplate so it seems more “In the sky”

It doesn’t have to be exactly like this, just as a starting point

wait so can i just set the height to negatives?

Should be able to. Alternatively, set it to 0, and have the player spawn at around +200

yay thank you. I will mark you solution if it works

the Marketplace link does not work any more. Do you have the module by any chance?

Unfortunately not, I guess all their models got removed when they got terminated

You can always use particles for it though, It’ll be a bit challenging on a larger scale

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welp, ima try to find another module.

do you think this will come out? At all?

The original Reply I gave is how to add it into your game.

it is out! but from what I know, you cannot move it up/down. It’s stuck in the sky

yeah in phase two you will be able to go above the clouds. arghhhh they are probably not gonna release it

unless you mean this, you can probably expect it to come out within 4 years :confused:

Do meshes , custom skybox, particles, client view mesh clouds … plus terrain clouds