How do I create an infinite ocean effect with a part instead of terrain?

I’m working on a game that involves being on an island and I can’t figure out a way to make a large ocean using a part for the water rather than terrain because I don’t like the way terrain water looks. There is a scale limit on the basic brick part, so I can’t make a large enough body of water and I also can’t union multiple large ocean parts because of this limit and it just gets scaled down. Since the top layer of the ocean is slightly transparent I cannot just leave them un-unioned or you can see the seems separating the parts. Anyone have any solutions? I’ve seen it be done in other games, so I know there’s a way to do it.

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I believe there are a few parts in the toolbox that will do this for you. Try looking up ‘infinite part’ or something along those lines. Then just change the material and part color.

You could also use the atmosphere/fog feature to add fog and make it so that the water dissolves into the fog.

Thank you, but I don’t like to use things from the toolbox and the seems are too close to the shore for fog to not block out other buildings and features.

But why :thinking:

Anyways, you can just get a part (it can even be small) with a special mesh and set the scale to a really large number for an infinite ocean of sorts.

The methods used on the parts in the toolbox are what I am going to suggest to you, since it is pretty much the only viable way right now.

So, SpecialMesh instances have a property Scale. So if you have a blue part that is any small size, you can insert a SpecialMesh in there and make the Scale of the SpecialMesh something like `10000000, 1, 10000000). That will make it really large, but you will suffer from floating point errors.


bro just limit the fog to like 1000 blocks, grab a couple max-distance parts, and then use part to terrain to add in some nice sleek terrain water, and if u don’t wanna do that then just make the parts blue and transparent.

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The best way to do it is with a skybox. Just have a simple skybox, where the bottom half is blue (the same color as your water), and it will do the trick. It will make it appear endless (because the skybox is). A touch of fog would also help.


Thank you! This should work fine and I didn’t mean actually infinite. I don’t see myself needing to scale it larger than 15k studs. What exactly is a floating point error though?

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