Hey all, I’ve been trying to get to the bottom of this for a while but with no result.
I’m trying to create custom chat channels with TextChatService that only specific multiple teams can have access to. I’ve been researching for a while in the roblox reference docs however I’m still struggling to figure everything out. I’ve also been trying to find out how to make the chat bubble itself change colour in team chat and in this potential custom chat channel but also haven’t got far.
If anyone knows anything about how I can get this to work, I’d love to hear about it. Cheers!
Ohhh, I get what you mean now. Those only exist in the old chat service, so you’re likely going to have to use another third-party module to achieve this.
This is using the old ChatService, whereas I’m trying to do this with the updated TextChatService.
It’s essentially a completely different and more efficient system but it lacks some of the capabilities that were previously possible unfortunately.