Hello, my chunk system broke after the update to editable meshes, I have been trying for the past hour to find a way to make editable meshes but they all error or don’t work at all.
local function createchunk(xpos, zpos, iteration)
local mesh = Instance.new("MeshPart")
mesh.Parent = OceanMeshes
mesh.Position = Vector3.new(math.round(xpos / Grid)*Grid, Level, math.round(zpos / Grid)*Grid)
mesh.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
mesh.Anchored = true
mesh.CanCollide = false
mesh.CastShadow = false
local Vertices
local Width
local Height
local Offset
if iteration >= FarIteration then
mesh.Name = "FarMesh"
Vertices = 2
Offset = Grid
mesh.Name = "CloseMesh"
Vertices = MaxVertices
Offset = Size
Width = Vertices
Height = Vertices
local editableMesh = AssetService:CreateEditableMesh()
mesh.Content = editableMesh:GetContent()
local VerticesTable = {}
for y = 1, Height do
local raw = {}
for x = 1, Width do
local vertexPosition = Vector3.new(x - 1, 0, y - 1) * Offset
local vertexId = editableMesh:AddVertex(vertexPosition)
raw[x] = {vertexId, vertexPosition}
VerticesTable[y] = raw
for y = 1, Height-1 do
for x = 1, Width-1 do
local vertex1 = VerticesTable[y][x][1] :: number
local vertex2 = VerticesTable[y+1][x][1] :: number
local vertex3 = VerticesTable[y][x+1][1] :: number
local vertex4 = VerticesTable[y+1][x+1][1] :: number
local triangle1 = editableMesh:AddTriangle(vertex1, vertex2, vertex3)
local triangle2 = editableMesh:AddTriangle(vertex2, vertex4, vertex3)
return mesh
When I try assigning the meshcontent it gives me this error:
"The current thread cannot write 'MeshContent' (lacking capability NotAccessible)"
When I try using the meshcontent in editable mesh async it gives me this error:
"Failed to load mesh"
I looked everywhere and could find barely any mentions about this new service and all the documentation is confusing on how to create a editable mesh now. Any help is appreciated!