So im making a jojo game, i already changed the whole system, there’s no more GetDescendants loops, and every effects is local so the server won’t have to make visual effects such as explosions,etc.
but it gets a very high ping today, yesterday i tried it with my brother and none of us get any lag issues, in fact the ping is only 80 - 100(which is good because an empty baseplate gave me 200+ ping).and now when i tested it myself, i got 1000+ ping!
now what i want to ask is, how does people decrease their ping? like A Bizzare Day for example, when i play that game i got no network issues.
You’ve got to review your code extensively if you’re having selective latency issues in games. There’s most likely a lot of code that you can improve for efficiency or change the way in which you’re doing it. For example, there’s bound to be a few things that you can leave in the hands of the client which are currently being done by the server.
I think you’re experiencing more code inefficiencies than you are any kind of ping. Designing for functionality is good and all but you also need to keep performance in mind. Make sure to tackle various resources and use the forums to your advantage, such as the #help-and-feedback:code-review category.
It’s not in the wrong category. What I said was to use that category to your advantage to get help on improving efficiency about certain systems and chunks of code in your game (but obviously don’t throw the whole game there).
OK! its not my game fault, its my internet or roblox fault, i tried playing other games such as work at a pizza place and i got 3000 ping, lol. hope roblox add a server near singapore for asian players. so asian players can play games without lagging too
and my roblox studio also lags. so i cant do anything even when i want to publish my game it said that im not logged in even tho im logged in.