How do I Defend Against Traceless Account Hacking Method / Cookie Logging?

My friend found out what caused this virus. It was the extension Ro-searcher that infected us. Even though we both uninstalled it quite a while ago after the news, it gave you a virus that would be later activated. Ours just activated recently. If you ever downloaded the extension “Ro-searcher” IMMEDIATELY check your computer for malware. You most likely got this virus and it can attack later down the line. If your malware detection acts strange in any way, such as completing early, I would suggest you use Roblox on a new user side in your computer or find an expert to either reset your computer/ rid this virus. It is VERY dangerous virus and very good at cookie logging. It only works on wifi too.

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I don’t use any Roblox Extensions. Also I never got noescape, but it’s a creepypasta virus made by enderman.

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Hello, it’s me, from the post. The devforums is the only thing I have left for access to my account.
I was contacted by the person who locked my account on Discord.

Various screenshots and whatnot posted in there as an update.

I appreciate you including me in this.


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