How do I delete my models?

Hey there ! I really am not sure whether this is in the right category or not, but I have messed up really badly :zipper_mouth_face: . Alright so, recently I have built a house and saved it to ROBLOX as a model, unfortunately, I forgot to add a thumbnail to it so it’d look decent and just right, I then tried a tutorial to see how to delete models from your inventory and actually, it did work ! I had to change the name of my model save the changes go back to the model page and an option with “Delete from Inventory” would appear, so I clicked that and good, it deleted it from my inventory, but what did that help me with?? When I go to my profile for example, (which is the thing that bothers me most), you can still see all the failed attempts :

BUT when I go to my inventory they are all gone

Do I need to somehow delete the “Ownership” of these models, or what can I do to permanently get rid of them? If you know how to help please raise a hand .Thank you !


You can probably change it in settings (top right hand of your screen). There should be a little switch that says, “Who can see my inventory?” (under Privacy in Settings), flip it so it says “no one”. This should solve it (you can still see your inventory, but no one else can), hope this helps!


Already tried that, still doesn’t work :frowning:

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It did work, I went to your profile, and I can’t see your inventory (you can still see it, so it may appear as though it didn’t work)

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I tried looking at it from an alt, you cannot access my inventory indeed, but the models still exist plus when you go to my profile and to the creations tab down below you can still see the models .And I have no idea how to get rid of them .

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You could always try updating it with a different asset, which would replace the model?

Yeah sure but there’s still the ones already “deleted” that I can’t update either way, but they are still there…Why can’t ROBLOX just make it simple for us…

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Good question, I don’t really know what else to suggest, so best of luck! You’ll just have to ignore them. . .

I don’t think you can, but if you want people not to see your models, you can put your inventory in private.

Rewrite the models to a different model?

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You can’t delete models from roblox as of now. The best you can do is overwrite them with a new asset

Well there is no way to “delete models” from existing, however in Studio you can make a build and overwrite the duplicated model so that you don’t have a bunch of copies.


I don’t think there’s a way to remove models from profile, neither add, only games, as far as I know…

This can’t delete them but it can hide them as you wanted:
If you don’t add any model to your profile, it shows your last few models by default even if they’re private. To fix this, upload a blank model (for example you could just upload a Folder instance) and then add fhat “model” to your profile.

All the other models will disappear from your profile.


@Bloxquility Go to the model, click the three dots in the top right, then click remove from inventory. :+1:


If it was something like an image you could archive it but models cannot be archived sadly.

Try REUSING them. Next time you upload a module, a model, script wathever, re use those. Change their names, and yeah. You can’t delete them so that’s pretty much what you can do to get rid of em’.


Have done that already as mentioned in the post, that ain’t the problem .It’s okay now anyway, thanks for trying to help ! :+1:

Yeah you are right! That’d be the solution, thank you !

Haven’t thought of that…Totally forgot you can overwrite models, I really think ROBLOX should add a way to delete models…Would be really helpful .Anyway thank you!