I’m working on an obby, and I wanna know, how do I make a custom leaderboard that displays the stage someone is on?
I’m working on an obby, and I wanna know, how do I make a custom leaderboard that displays the stage someone is on?
The quickets method I think i can come up with is
local stats = Instance.new(“IntValue”)
stats.Name = “leaderstats”
local clicks = Instance.new(“IntValue”)
You basically ‘create’ a leaderboard value and then you put a value on there, each value = a checkpoint. If you have a massive obby like the one in the picture. It will take like a billion years.
If this sounds an bit complex, I would personally find an tutorial on youtube.
Anyway have an nice day!
Where does this go and what type of script?
It uses ack values to update and you use CFrame to see if somone is their by identifying the legs and the torso and then you basically duplicate for every checkpoint. Not very ideal but its alot easier to bug fix!