How do I design this UI to look better?

My game sort of has a simulator type vibe, but i’ve tried making the UI look colorful before and it didn’t look that good. This is the best I could do.

I’m a scripter by the way and not a pro UI designer so that’s why i’m struggling, how can I make the UI look better with vibrant colors and what not?

My game is basically a game where you can talk to console players with signs and stuff. I’m not sure which would better fit, vibrant or dark like my current UI? And should I maybe change the text fonts?

I can’t design images btw so thats why I used text, if there’s any good images that you guys can find for me that fit what i’m looking for please let me know.


I like the fonts, but for the big main frame, I would add some more texturing. I think it would look nice if you added a completely black frame over the top, added a UIGradient instance under the black frame, set the gradient’s rotation to 45, and tweaked the transparency property of the gradient. It is something I have done before in some of my games and ends out looking like this:

Hopw that helps! :smile:


What I would do is make the stroke bigger to match the size of the frame, maybe make the UICorner bigger as well, and if you are looking for a more playful style, I recommend using Fredoka One as the font. And like how The_DuckDeveloper said, add a UIGradient to the frame. Hope you like it! :grinning:


Thanks for the help guys but i’m confused on what style of UI I should add to my game, whether it should be vibrant or not.

If it should be vibrant and a different color, what color would best be suited?


I’ll try out fredoka thanks for the assistance silly and to you too @The_DuckDeveloper. I assume you guys are pro UI designers right?


You should probably choose a more vibrant style, because it would appeal more to people. And for the color, I think what fits best is either solid white, or maybe a gradient that has a slight tint of blue.

Also, I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m “pro” at UI design, I just have a lot of experience with it :sweat_smile:

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I think solid white would be good thanks

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Screenshot 2024-12-31 020333

I want to make text on the UI like this one has, but I’m not sure how. Is this a font? Because I can’t find it.

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This is my UI so far, ignore the top bit. But the bottom is what I want you to look at with the premium stuff. Do you like it?

One issue I’m currently facing is the size of my main frame. The problem is that I can’t make the UI too big due to the limits of making a pop in/pop out animation. I’m not sure whether I should sacrifice the animation of the UI to make it bigger or not. What would you recommend? Should I get rid of my pop in animation for opening the shop or nah?

Do you think it looks too small or is it fine

Edit: I just made it bigger anyway by resetting the anchor point and the animation worked fine, still some size limits but not that problematic so forget what I said.

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I really love the design so far! :heart: Keep working on it!

About that, I think you could find a font that would work well, but to make it look like the image that you provided, you can use all capitals on the text. Then change the text to white and add a “UIStroke” instance under the text label and customize that. :+1:

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