How do I detect if a players mouse is inside a frame (WITHOUT IGNORING THE ANCHOR POINT)?
Thank you for helping!
How do I detect if a players mouse is inside a frame (WITHOUT IGNORING THE ANCHOR POINT)?
Thank you for helping!
There are multiple ways to do this, one of which is first by getting the player’s mouse position (on the screen), then you get the frame’s absolute position + size, get the 4 corners, check if he is in between the minX, maxX, minY and maxY
or you can just get a button and use the hover connection or use a gui object and the mouse enter connection:
Every GuiObject have their own mouse events, including Frames with MouseEnter. Although these events aren’t really efficient and sometimes not precise, if you’re worried about imperfections someone made a module about these events specifically, to create this functionally apart from the module you can just check the module’s source, the math is pretty simple.
Sorry, I was on the right track already, I just didn’t know that AbsolutePosition is always located at Anchor point 0,0.
Thank you for helping anyways, @KJry_s and @Sarchyx
My module ended up looking like this:
function module:MouseBetweenPoints(pointA,pointB)
local mouseVector =,mouse.Y)
local pointAVector =,pointA.Y.Offset)
local pointBVector =,pointB.Y.Offset)
return ((mouseVector.X > pointAVector.X and mouseVector.Y > pointAVector.Y) and (mouseVector.X < pointBVector.X and mouseVector.Y < pointBVector.Y))
function module:MouseInFrame(frame)
local pointAVector = frame.AbsolutePosition
local pointBVector = frame.AbsolutePosition + frame.AbsoluteSize
return module:MouseBetweenPoints(UDim2.fromOffset(pointAVector.X,pointAVector.Y),UDim2.fromOffset(pointBVector.X,pointBVector.Y))