How do I detect if the mouse is inside a frame?

How do I detect if a players mouse is inside a frame (WITHOUT IGNORING THE ANCHOR POINT)?

Thank you for helping!

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There are multiple ways to do this, one of which is first by getting the player’s mouse position (on the screen), then you get the frame’s absolute position + size, get the 4 corners, check if he is in between the minX, maxX, minY and maxY
or you can just get a button and use the hover connection or use a gui object and the mouse enter connection:

Every GuiObject have their own mouse events, including Frames with MouseEnter. Although these events aren’t really efficient and sometimes not precise, if you’re worried about imperfections someone made a module about these events specifically, to create this functionally apart from the module you can just check the module’s source, the math is pretty simple.

Sorry, I was on the right track already, I just didn’t know that AbsolutePosition is always located at Anchor point 0,0.

Thank you for helping anyways, @KJry_s and @Sarchyx

My module ended up looking like this:

function module:MouseBetweenPoints(pointA,pointB)
	local mouseVector =,mouse.Y)
	local pointAVector =,pointA.Y.Offset)
	local pointBVector =,pointB.Y.Offset)
	return ((mouseVector.X > pointAVector.X and mouseVector.Y > pointAVector.Y) and (mouseVector.X < pointBVector.X and mouseVector.Y < pointBVector.Y))

function module:MouseInFrame(frame)
	local pointAVector = frame.AbsolutePosition
	local pointBVector = frame.AbsolutePosition + frame.AbsoluteSize
	return module:MouseBetweenPoints(UDim2.fromOffset(pointAVector.X,pointAVector.Y),UDim2.fromOffset(pointBVector.X,pointBVector.Y))