How do I detect mousebutton1down with a clone TextButton?

I’ve been looking for SO long but I can’t find my answer to the question. I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong or if I’m missing something. Here is my code I have so far.

(Developer Relations, please don’t flag me again.)

local Models = {}
local ModelNames = {}
local ModelSpawnSystem = game.StarterGui.ModelSpawnSystem
local CloneButton = game.StarterGui.ModelSpawnSystem.ScrollingFrame.CloneButton
for _, v in pairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.Models:GetChildren()) do
	table.insert(ModelNames, v.Name)
for i , v in pairs(ModelNames) do
	local Clone = CloneButton:Clone()
	Clone.Visible = true
	Clone.Text = ModelNames[i]
	Clone.Parent = CloneButton.Parent
	Clone.Name = ModelNames[i]

for i, v in pairs(ModelSpawnSystem.ScrollingFrame:GetDescendants()) do
	if v:IsA("TextButton") then

when you clone the button, you can create an event called MouseButton1Click on it.

either when cloning and parenting it or afterwards you can connect that event to a function.

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But wouldn’t the pair loop end already?

connections aren’t stuck to loops, they’re connected to the object itself. if in a loop you make a connection for MouseButton1Click, it’ll exist until you disconnect it or delete the button and Lua auto disconnects it

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Try using Activated instead of MouseButton1Click

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Tried it already but I might be doing it wrong.

You have tried this?

for i , v in pairs(ModelNames) do
	local Clone = CloneButton:Clone()
	Clone.Visible = true
	Clone.Text = ModelNames[i]
	Clone.Parent = CloneButton.Parent
	Clone.Name = ModelNames[i]

-- code
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Something like that. I tried it again just incase but it’s not printing a test string when I click one of the buttons.

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Nothing has worked so far but I’ll keep trying.

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Okay, I’ve figured out the answer by putting a localscript in the textbutton itsself. Now I’ve just got to figure out how to make it communicate to the server.

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For this use a RemoteEvent/Function for cross Client and Server or a BindableEvent/Function to send data between scripts


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