I am trying to create a system that detects the amount of characters a player used in a message they typed, and depending on the amount of characters typed (1-10 characters 11-100 characters) a sound selected from a pool of preloaded sounds will play and emit from the player.
The issue is that I do not know how to get the amount of characters used in a message, or how to make the sounds selected actually play from the character.
I have tried looking for answers on this but I could only find things explaining how to play the sound but it only comes from the server, and only how to detect if the player says a certain predetermined keyword instead of detecting it based on characters used.
local rps = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local sounds = rps.sounds
local soundslist = sounds.Accordion:GetChildren()
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function (player)
player.Chatted:Connect(function ()
--i will put the thing that detects the amount of characters used here once i figure it out, then do an if statement for the sounds selected.
-- im getting it to randomly select and print the name of the sound, but i am unsure on how to play the sound and link to the humanoid of the char saying it.
Help is appreciated!