How do I detect when none of the players parts are touching a brick?

I’m trying to detect when none of a player’s character parts are touching a brick. Here is my the code I’ve written so far:

local rails = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Rails")

	local isTouchingRail ="BoolValue")
	isTouchingRail.Parent = plr
	isTouchingRail.Name = "IsTouchingRail"
	isTouchingRail.Value = false

for i, rail in pairs(rails:GetChildren()) do
		if part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
			local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(part.Parent)
			if player ~= nil then
				if player.IsTouchingRail.Value == false then
					player.IsTouchingRail.Value = true

The problem is now detecting when none of the player’s parts are touching. Simply dectecting when something has stopped touching the part would not work because there’s a chance, for example, when a player’s leg stopped touching the part that another body part is still touching the part. What I want to achieve is detecting when no body parts are touching a brick. How do I achieve this?

you could maybe check if whatever the rails touched is nil or not

   if hit == nil then
     --Do Stuff!

theres also a built in function i believe. Its called TouchEnded you could possibly use it to your advantage. heres the api reference

hope this helped :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you! What I’m really trying to achieve is to detect when none of the players parts are touching. Maybe I’ll make a table that contains information about how many body parts are touching the part and then removing them. But I’m still looking for other solutions.

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Solved, I created a table that records the amount of body parts touching the rail. If it is equal to 0, it player.IsTouchingRail.Value will equal false.