How do i disable a module script using a local script (this went off topic, there is no actual solution for "disabling" a module script)

(when i say “disable” a module script i mean to stop it from working)
i want to disable a module script that is located in serverscriptservice using a local script that is located in starterplayerscripts

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You could create a Bindable Event that the client calls and then have the listener script on the server disable the script

ive never used bindable events i got no idea how to use them, isnt there any other way?

if there isnt any way could u help me use these bindable events?

I meant remote event my bad. Heres a quick tutorial off the dome

Step 1: Create the remote event in replicated storage

step 2: Create a local script for your player in the starterplayerscript

-- Get the remote event object from replicated storage 
local event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DisableScriptEvent

-- This fires the event to whatever script is listening, you can pass 
-- parameters in here for the server to receive 

Step 3: Create the server script on serverscriptstorage that listens to the event

-- Get the remote event object from replicated storage 
local event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DisableScriptEvent
local moduleScript = game:GetService("ServerScriptService"):FindFirstChild("ModuleScript")

	print(player.Name .. " has fired the Server!")
	-- Turn that script off 
	moduleScript.Enabled = false

and now that script should be disabled. Lmk if that works or doesn’t as I haven’t personally tested it

Additionally: ModuleScripts won’t run unless required by a script. If it’s no longer needed you can set it to nil.

local Module = require(someModule)
-- do stuff with module
Module = nil
-- disabling a script while this is running won't halt thread execution.

While we’re here: Bindable events/functions are used to send and receive data between scripts - I might be wrong since I don’t use them, I use Modules - , and Remote events/function allow client-server communication.

Thats not quite safe at all since the remote event can be fired by the client at any time

why do you need to disable a moduleScript located in a place where client scripts cant access it?

Just disable it from the server, that’s the point, lol.

Again, disabling a script while it’s running won’t halt its execution.

I know but the reason im asking why? is to help OP get a better solution, why does it need to be disabled anyways?

  • it wont affect performance
  • It can only be required by the server since its located in SeverScriptService
  • if it gets disabled from a client, it will be disabled for the entire server which doesnt sound ideal

i dont think it works ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ

it does fire event i think but it dosent disable module

First of all: What are you trying to do? Why do you want to disable a script located in the server from a client?

cus rain cycle system, i dont want to use particle emitters cus they go through roof

i need it to start at the same time it rains and then disable it

That doesnt make any sense, can you elaborate please?

It seems like he wants said module to run the thread once, then disable it.

i just want to make rain cycle system with thunder i arleady made rain but im missing thunder

disabling the scripts works but im using “math.random” in my rain cycle so i cant rlly disable it, thats why i need to put in my rain cycle script so i can put it inside a function yk disable function then enable function

We dont really know how your raining system works so we’re not sure how to help.