How do i disable a module script using a local script (this went off topic, there is no actual solution for "disabling" a module script)

You can’t disable a Module. There’s your answer. Mark it as solved.

well when i say disable i mean stop, mb

Exit the function using return. And/or run another one.

local ModuleScript = --Your ModuleScriptLocation

ModuleScript.Enabled = false

–If it’s a button

local ModuleScript = --Your ModuleScriptLocation

ModuleScript.Enabled = false

You can use local functions if you want.

You can also delete it using :Destory()

Buttons should use the Activate event. Also, you’re using wait(), major mistake.

Plus, you can’t disable modules.

i arleady told u what i meant with “disable”

nvm u werent talking to me mb ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ

anyways i arleady got a solution i think to achieve what i want

do this at the top of the module or function

if true then return end

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