How do I disable Classic Chat with the new Bubble Chat system?

I’ve googled this along w/ search on the DevForum for the past 30 minutes or so, just trying to find a way to disable the ROBLOX Chat that appears on top-left of screen in-game.

When disabling “LoadDefaultChat” it disables the entire chat system - I’m just trying to figure out how I can prevent players from seeing chat messages on the top left, and only seeing bubble chat. While not disabling the entire chat system.



So, for hiding the chat you need to edit the “CoreGui
Here is a simple example of a local script that you can put in a local script / StarterGui

 local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Chat, false)
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Right - but this just disables the entire chat system. Similar to disablind “LoadDefaultChat” - it prevents me from there being a chat bar at all.

My goal is to remove the messages on top left, and only be a chat bar.

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I think this post have the respond for you

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@RenownHavoc Follow these quick steps

  • Go To Explorer
  • Then, locate the Chat
  • Click Chat and then open its properties
  • Check the box that says something like BubbleChatEnabled (Make BubbleChatEnabled = true)
  • Save/Publish the game!
  • There ya go!

This is a bit late, but here’s how to do it:

Set Chat.BubbleChatEnabled to true in the explorer.
Then paste this in a LocalScript parented to game.ReplicatedFirst:

game:GetService("Chat"):RegisterChatCallback(Enum.ChatCallbackType.OnCreatingChatWindow, function()
	return {ClassicChatEnabled = false, BubbleChatEnabled = true}

Incorrect, chat is not part of the CoreGui.

It used to be however is no longer, that function just disables the non-core Chat gui.

I say that to hide the chat you have to edit the CoreGui, I don’t mention where the chat is.
By saying modify I was talking about the function SetCoreGuiEnabled sorry if it was unclear

The easiest and fastest way to do this and to go on Explorer, Click Chat, and click BubbleChatEnabled. Make sure the checkbox is filled in/.filled out.

It does not resolve the issue pointed out. All it does is enabled the Bubble Chat when the question was in regards to disabling it.