How to customize Lua chat to only show chat bar, and not chat window?

The gist of it is that I want to just lose the chat window but keep the bar (e.g. emulate bubble-only chat). One obvious solution I haven’t tried is setting that setting. But I’ve seen plenty of games make the window disappear. Is that simple solution the way they achieved it? I remember a while back @TheGamer101 being very excited about the customizability of the new Lua chat but I can’t seem to find any resources on changing the look of it – I can only find stuff on the behavior.

You could try toggling the Visible property of the chat frames. They are located in PlayerGui in a ScreenGui named Chat. Not sure if the chat script would override that.

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I do think you can modify the appearance, although I can’t remember for sure. I believe there’s a settings module in the core scripts (the stuff you see when the game is running, which is what you copy and put into the services by the way) that I think has a ton of appearance-related settings.

If I’m not mistaken, too, part of the chat system allows you to do basic things (such as visibility). But on this one I have a suspicion that I am mistaken.

Can’t you just select bubble only chat in the place settings?



Is there a reason why you decided not to do that?

You can try using SetCore() to change the size and position of the ChatWindow


I’m going to guess he might want a form of bubble chat he can customize. I.e. Colored bubbles for Staff, or the ability to pick your own bubble color. Just a guess.

As far as the original post, yes, you can mess with the chat. I’m not exactly sure how to do it, but you’d have to mess with Chat Service because that controls how everything is controlled in chat.

You can overwrite the chat by putting an edited version under Chat service.

I grabbed this straight from Pet Simulator so you’ll want to change the appearance settings.

chatFiles.rbxm (111.3 KB)


If you don’t want to use that website setting, you can change this by editing the ChatSettings module. Play your game in studio and then copy the ClientChatModules folder from Chat. Stop playing and paste this back under Chat. Remove everything from this folder but the ChatSettings module.

This settings module has a good amount of ways to customize both the look and functionality of the chat. The setting you are interested in is:

--- Replace with true/false to force the chat type. Otherwise this will default to the setting on the website.
module.BubbleChatEnabled = PlayersService.BubbleChat
module.ClassicChatEnabled = PlayersService.ClassicChat

You can simply turn classic chat to false and bubble chat to true.