How do i disable roblox's coregui bubblechat entirely?

Hello. Im making a custom bubble chat system. I’ve ran into a issue where roblox’s bubblechat overlaps the custom one on dialogs:

I tried disabling “Enabled” property of TextChatService.BubbleChatConfiguration, tried Disabling “LoadDefaultChat” property of Chat Service i also tried disabling Chat.BubbleChatEnabled and none of these work for me.

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That’s very strange.

Can we see the script where you are manually making your custom bubble chat system appear?


After looking at this, I found out that if your TextChatService.ChatVersion is set to LegacyChatService then that seems to cause the double bubbles from happening. There is something in the old roblox chat that still creates the bubbles with blue stripes.

This stops happening for me if I set Chat.LoadDefaultChat = false or when I change the TextChatService.ChatVersion to TextChatService.

Hope this helps! :smiley:

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doesnt work sadly. I also tried setting TextChatService.ChatVersion to TextChatService and disabling Enabled property of BubbleChatConfiguration but the bubbles still appear.

Do you have an old version of Roblox chat scripts in your game.Chat instance? That might be interfering and containing the old logic that creates those blue bubbles

i have the Chat Service empty.

Is it empty as well when you playtest?

yes it is:
Zrzut ekranu 2024-04-26 o 20.20.28

And just to make sure, are you trying to get rid of the bubbles with blue stripes or the normal white bubbles?

im trying to get rid of roblox’s new coregui roact bubblechat

Ah right, I understood the problem the opposite way :smiley:. From my testing the old legacy dialog element doesn’t have a way to not send chat bubbles. They are created directly in corescripts and don’t trigger the OnIncomingMessage or OnBubbleAdded methods.

The only hacky solution I found was to change BubbleChatConfiguration.BubbleDuration to 0 or by setting BubbleChatConfiguration.MaxBubbles to 0. Of course these won’t be an option if you are using them in your custom system. Hope this helps! :smiley:

This seems to work. I marked this as a solution. Thanks!

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