Well that’s an interesting idea if I had the access to the drop tool script so I can edit it.
or the pick up script so i can disable it but here’s what happens cuz roblox doesn’t give clear access to them…:
There’s no way since if the player drops the tool and the tool is instantly touching the player, the player instantly picks up the tool which doesn’t give any time for the server to disable the tool’s touch interest or it will destroy the tool after the player picks it up.
^ ^ ^
If you have script inside the tool that lets say it gives u more walk speed or something when equipped and reverts your stats when you unequip it then if the server tries to destroy the tool and “make something that looks like the tool” the damage (glitch) will already be done cuz u will have effects from the tool as of logic of being equippied and it cant be equipped cuz u know its destroyed.
^ ^ ^
can simply counter me with saying "just make server script to make sure the effects of the tool are gone… Well I will simply counter by saying “ROBLOX MAKE IT ###### SIMPLIER AND GIVE MORE ACCESS TO THE ###### ROBLOX’S SCRIPTS!!!”