How do I disable the default gamepad camera controls?

I want to temporarily disable the default camera controls used by a gamepad. The camera is controlled by the right joystick, but I have the joystick functionality temporarily reserved by another function.

My game has an interface that uses a radial menu to allow the player to select what option they want. On PC and Mobile it works fine, but on console I want to use the right joystick to allow the player to select the button they want.
The radial menu:

However, the right joystick’s movement is already being used by the default camera system Roblox uses. This works against my system, since the player would move both the camera and use the menu at the same time.

Outright disabling the camera is not an option, since the player is still allowed to move while the menu is active.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

You could change the camera mode to Fixed, and then change the player’s WalkSpeed and jump power to 0

Instead of setting the camera to fixed, you could just change the camera type to scriptable. If you give me a minute I could make a script

That would work but it would put the camera in a stationary spot. The player still moves while the menu is open, so the camera would still need to follow them.

Try to disble the CameraModule when using the UI and enable it back when done.

I found the solution. Posting it here for future reference:
Roblox’ default camera module binds the camera using the ContextActionService.

We can override this action by binding a new action on the same input at a higher priority:

workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
local BlankFunction = function() end
workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom

This will override the default camera functions with one that does nothing. Of course you can also override it with a function that does actually do something, but for my use case it needs to be blank.

To re-enable the default camera, simply unbind the blank action you assigned:
