How do I Display an IntValue in 1k, 2k, 3k and soo on?

  • What do I want to achieve?
    I want the IntValue to be in 1k, 2k, or 1b (billion), so on

  • What is the issue?
    Well, roblox doesnt support value to be written in 1k, 2k, 3k.

  • What solutions have I tried so far?
    I have tried to do it like this -

local Cash = script.Parent
local TextLabel = script.Parent.Parent.Part.Display.SurfaceGui.TextLabel
	TextLabel.Text = "$"..Cash.Value
	if Cash.Value == 1000 then
		TextLabel.Text = "$1k"
	if Cash.Value == 1100 then
		TextLabel.Text = "$1.1k"
	if Cash.Value == 1200 then
		TextLabel.Text = "$1.2k"
	if Cash.Value == 1300 then
		TextLabel.Text = "$1.3k"
  • To summarize
    I basically wanted the TextLabel.Text Value to display numbers above 999, like 1k, 2k, 3k, 100k, as such. I could’nt think of any other way, so need help.

Sorry for my bad english

Pls Help me out, Thanks for reading,


i’d go around this by not changing the intvalue at all and making an algorithm that changes the text according to the intvalue. i’d do this by checking if the cash is above 10^x which is when i’d start using the prefix associated with it (if above 10^3 aka 1000, start using k and if above 10^6 or millions start using m) and dividing the intvalue by their respective power (e.g if intvalue is 1200, divide by 10^3). if this sounds too complicated thats because it somewhat is due to the fact this way is purely mathematically based.


local cashString = tostring(cashValue) --cashValue is a placeholder for how much cash we have
local prefix = -- insert prefix here
local power = 0 --current exponent

if cashValue > 10^3 then
 power = 10^3
 prefix = "k"
 cashString = tostring(cashValue / power) .. prefix
elseif cashValue > 10^6 then 
 power = 10^6
 prefix = "m"
 cashString = tostring(cashValue / power) .. prefix
-- and so on.

QUICK SIDENOTE: i just realized that each new prefix comes with every three, so you can make a table and check if the number is larger than 10^(x+3). a good example is that 10^3 is thousands. 10^6 is millions, 10^9 is the billions and 10^12 is a trillion

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Kinda understand what u mean, but can u implement it in my script and show it to me pls?

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here it is i use it for my game:

local value = script.Parent.Value -- your value HERE
local textLabel = script.Parent -- your label

local function formatNumber(number)
  if number >= 1000000000000 then
    local formatted = tostring(math.floor(number / 1000000000000)) .. "t"
    return formatted
  elseif number >= 1000000000 then
    local formatted = tostring(math.floor(number / 1000000000)) .. "b"
    return formatted
  elseif number >= 1000000 then
    local formatted = tostring(math.floor(number / 1000000)) .. "m"
    return formatted
  elseif number >= 1000 then
    local formatted = tostring(math.floor(number / 1000)) .. "k"
    return formatted
    return number

       textLabel.Text = formatNumber(newVal)

there i edited it in a script for you to copy or something

imma try ur script real quick! btw, um wdym? by exponent?

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All you need is a single google search. Please do that before posting anything here. How do I shorten this numbers? - #8 by nicemike40

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Sorry, i tried google searching and searching here on the forum, but i just couldnt get the right words to search.

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could u try mine, i use it for my game and sure will work!


Wait a second, imma try @neweve2323 this guy "“how i shorten this numbers”
then imma try urs. Also, thanks for the help!

yo, imma try urs @IRoastToaster

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So I tried yours, @IRoastToaster and it works! can u pls modify ur scirpt so that it can even work for millions, billions and trillions?


there i edited the solution, you can add it


hey, I got one last question, how do I do the same for my leaderstats.Cash.Value?
And is that Even possible? @IRoastToaster

local nots = {"K","M","B","T","Qd","Qn","Sx","Sp","O","N"} -- i stole this
function shorten(num)
    local notation = ""
    for _, _not in next, nots do
        if (num / math.pow(10, _ * 3)) >= 1 then notation = _not end
    local front = (#tostring(num) % 3 == 0) and tostring(num):sub(0, 3) or tostring(num):sub(0, #tostring(num) % 3)
    return front .. notation

print(shorten(6942069420)) -- 6b

shorter but you can keep the guy earlier as the solution*

Yes it is, all you have to do is change local value = script.Parent.Value to local value = player.leaderstats.Cash.Value make sure to make a player variable too

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and make sure Cash.Value is a StringValue instance otherwise it would throw an error expecting number but given string blablabla

Bro i tried doing the same thing with leaderstats, like i thought making a local script which fires an event when the cash.value changed then made a seperate server script which on that event fired makes the value of the to 1k, 2k. But it didnt work.
Pls Help bro, how do I implement ur script in my game? Should I put ur script in my leaderstats script or make a seperate one?

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the value being 1k 1.2k etc, should only be client side, u dont have to worry and make a remote event and fire, the player that is playing the game should see his cash and not the whole server! just put my script in a LocalScript in the TextLabel GUI you made and change the first line of my script to

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local value = player.leaderstats.Cash
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but me want the whole server to know. Can u do that please?