How do i do a secure system if someone who owns the file that he didnt bought it and leak it then ?(for tech group)

Alright so i want to make a secure system because im owning a Tech company that sells light to Theather games and some Festival and i want to prevent that someone who is a leaker/exploiter can make my hard work Free to all means that he is setting the file for free in the toolbox. I want it to be like that: I want to make a system so only users who bought it can use It if you need more Details and stuff Dm me or write an msg down there

If someone has an idea or know an other way to do that please DM me in Discord:


(or just write an Message here)

Heres a tip for putting scripts in dev forum: use three of these ``` above and below the script. Just a quick tip :slight_smile:


You shouldn’t just copy and paste an entire script asking how it can be applied to a ModuleScript, and if you must share segments of code, you should format it properly like @octavodad said.


Which creates a code block like this:

print("Hello world!")

I’m not sure whether you want a secured ModuleScript that only you can use for your own games, or a secured ModuleScript that can be used by other developers in their games.

In the case where you want a secured ModuleScript that can only be used in your own games, I’m having trouble understanding your reasoning. Exploiters cannot steal the source code from your server scripts (regular scripts, not local scripts), so there’s no way for it to get leaked.

In the case where you want a secured Modulescript that can be used by other developers in their games, the asset must be public domain (i.e on sale for anyone to take and view the source code of). With that being said, your code really can’t be both “secured” and publicly accessible at the same time.

Is there a particular reason why it must be in your inventory, or why it must be a module?


Alright so im explaining a bit more detailed so Im trying to do something like a secure system because Im selling Products in my Tech company but the problem is that its a file (rbxm file) and when i sell it to my users they will give it to some friends and these friends give it to leakers and the problem is that i dont want that my hard worked model is getting like exploited/leaked for free in the toolbox so i want to prevent that

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But do you know then any like other ways to make it secure that only users who bought it can use it and not make it public ? it doesnt need to be modulescript but something where i can like update the scripts and dont have to give every person my stuff again ? if you know what i mean like i could trash the script then if a bad person gives the (rbxm) file to a leaker so the whole system for the light is not working

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Thx didnt knew that but i dont need the script anymore.


The way I understand it, you want to make a model to be only accessed by the purchaser. Due to security reasons, module scripts does not work for other people if you do not set it available to public. So, I would say that module script is a no.

The only way I can think of to do this is to create a system with buyer ID system using third-party service.

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You’re pretty limited in what you can do and this is not a 100% guarantee someone can’t take your code or use it for free, but it can stop some basic methods of using your code in an unauthorized manner.

To add onto the concept of a “buyer ID” system you could do something like this:

  1. Script sends occasional web request to your server with a buyer ID and if a bad response is returned then don’t do anything anymore.
  2. All actions that could be done on your server should be done on your off-site server.
  3. Protect your environment. Check if functions that you think are calling are the correct ones. Someone could overwrite your environment! You can do this using some debug functions such as stacktrace to get the linecount of a function you’re calling to verify it is the real one, and you can compare your functions to another scripts environment via some bridge.
  4. Obfuscate your code! There are open source obfuscators you can use, as well as some private ones.
  5. Have proof you made the code, and that they stole it. Don’t upload your code as a freemodel. If you can prove you own rights to code and someone else stole it and uploaded it you should be able to take it down? (Not entirely sure on this one though)
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As Epic said, It’s good to make a whitelist system basically.

Having proof of the code you made would be useful, but most of the times Roblox suggests just to report the person. So… Tehnically when they get your code, there’s no going back and you must hope they do not leak it. Obfuscating is one of the best ways to actually keep your code safe, since I believe there are pretty much no public obfuscators, what translate the obfuscated script to an actually understandable script.

A couple of months ago, I ran into the same problem. Since I “work” in RBLX aviation industry, it’s pretty easy to find someone offering a whitelist system for a cheap price. Since I do not own pretty much any knowledge of scripting, I hired the guy to create one for me. We used trello boards to make it work. And suprisingly, it has been really easy to edit it. Since that day, I’ve not got anyone leaking my airport I would know about.

Just… Obfuscate scripts and make a whitelist system. That seems to work the best.

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Yes i think you understood it but, im still not that experienced with like idk what you meant with id from the guy who bought it and then a third-party? huh explain more :slight_smile:

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The two guys who just replied after made some explanations how you could make it possible.

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Hmmm ok so the only things i dont understood (because im really not that experienced with whitlist or code or something like these systems) are like “Buyer ID” and “Web Requests” ? wdym exactly.

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Hmm like i said to many ppl that response im not a good scripter thats why im asking you guys but wdym with

Obfuscating ? like how

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There is a very known and good tech group named PodTech that sells a Hub that comes with a bot. Once the player buys the product in the hub, the bot DMs the user with the file. They also made a whitelist system that you can put in your product and if the owner of the game doesn’t own the product it will automatically delete it self. Tell me if you want me to dm you the invite. It has over 3k members by the way.

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I had a hub and bought it for 800 Robux BUT i dont trust that kind of method that much anymore since we think a player bought it from there and gave the product (its a file) to the leaker

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It was from Z-Tech they had a bot n stuff too but is it like if you press the wrong key it will automaticly delete everything ?

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Yes I know. But it has a whitelist system that you can put in the product. So even if someone gives the file to someone else that didn’t bought it won’t work as its protected by a whitelist connected to an external server.

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No its not like when you press a wrong key, its as soon as the game is started, it will auto delete.

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OOOO okay sure send me the PodTech hub then (but would be better if its possible to not buy the hub it self it would be better if i could only buy (or have) the whitlist thing for the model because i dont want to spend another ton of robux on a hub

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aaaa ok thats alright ok ima see then sure send me the link

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