I’m using 2 surface lights and they create a spot light effect, instead I want to light the whole room.
I’m using 2 surface lights and they create a spot light effect, instead I want to light the whole room.
I’m confused. Can you describe in more detail or provide a video?
See how it’s more like a spot light rather than a light source that reflects more or less to the point of lighting up anything it can touch. Like do I need a different type of light source to light up an entire room and not create a spot light effect. I was using surface light here, I figured it would light up a bigger area if that makes sense.
I think the maximum range for all lighting effects in studio currently is just 60
Do you get the desired effect when you move the light closer to the ground? Have you tried future lighting too?
@koi1299 that’s correct.
SurfaceLight | Roblox Creator Documentation does act like a spotlight if it’s a small surface. Try putting the SurfaceLight in the ceiling.
it is in the ceiling. it is in the ceiling.
No I get the same effect, problem is I have a hallway that I plan to make and I need to light the whole thing. But it’s creating circles of light if that makes sense. It looks awful and I’m using future lighting.
No. When you move the light fixture with your move tool then the light moves. You have the Light in the light fixture.
Put it in the ceiling Part.
It now does light up all the area, but it doesn’t look natural at all.The shadows make no sense.
Any tips?
I’m getting this issue too:
where is the light coming from on the part? if the light part is slightly in the ceiling or inside of another part it can create weird shadows otherwise it’s just the lighting engine
that is definitely a lighting engine bug on roblox’s part I think.
hmm, any other ideas? Basically I’m making a mall. And this section is 1 wing/hallway of the mall. And I want to somewhat realistically light up the wing.
you could try with PointLights have a slightly larger range than other lights, so you could put an invisible and non-collidable part in the middle of the space between the floor and the light like this (the red part):
idk I’m getting this effect with mutliple light sources.
maybe try turning the CastShadow off on some of the ceilings or walls, it might be slightly less realistic but it could give the illusion of light all across the room.
You could try a Part that’s slightly smaller than the ceiling Part, Transparent, and maybe a little lower than the ceiling.
Not sure what’s up with your second video though? Are you moving from one lighted area to a different one?
Yea I tried that but it caused the lighting bug that was shown above.
I normally light rooms with the same method that @koi1299 mentioned with the red Part and a PointLight for each light fixture I have in the ceiling. It seems to work better than SpotLights for smaller rooms where the Spotlight won’t light up items that are too close.