How do I do this?

So I have seen with plugins where people will make it so when you press a certain plugin button it makes them download something, like a rig or something(Saving it to file)

Basically I am wondering how do I do this? Thanks!

If you want a .rbxm file, do this:

If you want a .obj file, do this:

If you want a model you can animate in Blender, use this plugin:

Im trying to figure out how to make it so they have to export it with a plugin, I already know how to export it

character limit

Um Im not trying to animate a rig,

Im trying to figure out a way to make it so when you press a button it starts making you export and OBJ

So… you want a .obj file?

Then, click “Export selection”, as shown in the second screenshot.

A plugin isn’t necessary for this.

If this isn’t what you’re looking for I don’t know what to tell you anymore. Try getting a screenshot of what you want.

I want to be able to do this with a plugin, I know its not necessary but for the plugin im making I want to know how

I believe the only way to achieve this is by using PluginManager:ExportSelection().

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Ok yes this is it, but I cant figure out how to exactly use it. Do you know how?