How Do i do Voice Taunts and Animation Taunts

I am making a Modern-Classic Style game. and i want to add Voice and Animation taunts for the game. to make it less quiet by the fact that voice chat is disabled

also the voice taunts thing is based off tf2

I still need Heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp

At what part do you need help at?
Do you have a code snippet or you expect us to give you the code for it?

The 2 one.


According to forum formatting rules you can not just ask people to write the code for you. However, I’d be happy to let you know how this would be accomplished!

Have a local script that detects inputs:

local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")

	if input == Enum.KeyCode.T then -- change this to whatever input you want your taunt key to be
		-- do stuff

Once the player presses the “T” button, you can play an animation. Animations replicate to the server automatically, so you don’t need to worry about remote events. However, if you’re wanting to make it so a sound plays, you’ll need to use a remote event.

The remote event will fire to the server and tell it to play a sound and parent it to the player.
If this doesn’t make sense, I’d recommend check out some tutorials on it.

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