I want to know how do i make anchored parts drivable by a vehicle seats. but i do not know how to. Does anyone have any ideas?
Maybe welding parts together may work. I’m not too sure.
what model are you using right now?
I would try, so yeah, If i could do it, i may.
I want to make a train game, and i also made the tracks myself, so i want to test out an anchored model with a vehicle seat
can you send the model for me so i can modify it
You’ll have to weld the parts and script it as well.
Weld all of your parts to a base or main part. Un Anchor them all, since they are all welded to the one main base part.
Similar to something like this type of a setup
and look at this link, it helped me
so i made this model you can get this
You can’t I’m pretty sure. Probably gotta unanchor all the parts and weld the seat to each individual part like a tool. I have a script that can automatically weld them for you if you want it.
I already solved this a long time ago, this can be closed. I use qPerfectionWeld and stuff, or a specific weld script that has Part1 to a specific part. Then i just add velocity to the vehicle seat or other parts and the rest of the parts follow it.
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