How do I edit datastore values for people who aren't ingame?

Basically, I have an issue where there is a ton of exploiters with high datastore leaderboard values and I want to clear that so legit people are shown. How would I edit datastore values for people who aren’t in-game?

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Just use their key. Datastores just are key & value pairs. As long as you know what their key would be you should be able to modify their data.

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You Can Buy This Plugin: DataStore Editor - Roblox
(150 Robux)

Very Easy To Access Data

Sleitnick Post: DataStore Editor V3
(Created By Him)

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I did buy that plugin long ago however I just don’t understand how to find a key and name, if I could find those then I would already be clearing those values, is there a way to help with that?

Just Search In The Datastore Name Write Your Datastore Name, `DS:GetDataStore(“Your Name”)

Then Just Search Your Key - Player User Id

Key -

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You Can Watch This Video (Made By The Creator):

i assume you are using the player’s userid as a key to their data, if you want to get their userid to change their data use Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(name of the exploiter)

I understand most of it except the key part, as I don’t know if I type in the leaderstats’ value name or if I just put it “Key”.

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the “key” part is the format you saved the player’s data with
for example, if you saved someone’s data using their UserId, then put that there for “key”

another example:

from the developer hub

the key is “Player_1234”

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I can’t tell if it’s key or the player name.

the key for that would be
Key(whatever the name is)


because that’s the way you formatted it

scripting example:

local dss = game:GetService("DataStoreService") -- data store service
local players = game:GetService("Players") -- players service

local dataStore = dss:GetDataStore("data") -- the target data store
local id = ".data" -- the first part of the key

players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) -- player joined
   local key = player.UserId .. id -- the key to save the data with
   dataStore:SetAsync(key, nil) -- set the data in the data store

   print(key) -- prints

-- the reason why "key" prints "" is because "107157606" is my userid and ".data" is the string I combined it with
-- combined, it created "" which is now the key for my datastore
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You should not set the key to the player’s name. If they change it, they will lose all their data. :flushed: