How Do I Enable UI Gradient Visibility?

So I am learning scripting through YouTube videos & I need a bit of help. So I have this Overhead GUI in my game and everything is working fine, but I am trying to make it if a player owns “VIP” gamepass then the overhead gui will be rainbow.

I have a UI Gradient on “Name Label” which displays the characters name above their head but is there a way I can enable the visibility? I’m trying to have it disabled but when a player buys the “VIP” pass then it would be enabled.

This is the script that runs my whole GUI overhead

This is the location “LoadRole” is the main script running the while overhead UI.

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Try using UIGradient.Enabled instead


It worked! Thanks :smiley: Idk why I didn’t think of that lol. Hours of headaches for a simple fix. I appreciate ur help

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