How do I export a blender model with colour?

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I have made a treasure chest in blender and I’d like to export it into Roblox with the same colours

  2. What is the issue?
    I am a beginner at Blender and I have no idea how to keep the colour on the model. I don’t want to export different parts of the model and colour them separately in Roblox as it’s too complicated.
    This is what it looks like in studio:

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I have looked on the Dev Forum, but none of the solutions worked for me. The main thing people said was to export the parts separately. I have also tried exporting it as an obj and fbx file.

Sorry if this is really obvious, I am really bad at using Blender :joy: Thank you for any help.


You cannot directly export colors onto Roblox from what I have found so if you wish to put color on an object you can either use UV mapping or change the Brick color of separate parts of the chest. Since you don’t wish to separately export different parts you would need to use UV mapping which is essentially making a blueprint of the mesh and coloring it in. I’m not very good at UV mapping so I cannot provide you with help in that but once you do manage to color in a UV map it can be imported into a meshpart under the TextureID property.

In regards to exporting separate parts, it is quite a simple process. All you need to do is select the parts you wish to export in blender and import them separately and align them in game by moving them.

Here is a tutorial:

How to export parts separately

First, select the first part you wish to export in object mode.

Next, select ‘file’ and then go to export as I am aware you already know how to do. For this example I will use an obj. File so select that.

You then want to select your location to save and make sure selection only box is checked.

Repeat this process for all of your parts.

Finally, all you want to do is import your file as usual and align all of the pieces together and colour in the brick color.

Side note: If you need to separate two combined parts you can press p and then click selection. This will turn whatever you have currently selected into a part, can be used in edit mode.

Sorry if this reply wasn’t very clear or I wasn’t helpful this is my first post. Hope this helps :grinning:


Thank you so much for this, I’m going to watch a tutorial on how to UV map hopefully it works :smiley:

Another option that i personally like to use, is to bake a texture in blender then just slap that texture onto the model. If you have any questions on how to bake theres tons of free and easy to follow tutorials on youtube

You can use UV Wrapping and then Bake Materials - you can also bake Ambient Occlusion, Lights, everything in your scene. There are good tutorials in youtube about it.

This is the best method for scalable production.

Everyone has given quite complicated answers, why there is a very simple way to do this. Go and select all the parts of the model you wish to export, then File → Export → FBX
Then you need to make sure “Selected Objects” is checked, and object type is Mesh

Then go to roblox, create a meshpart, and then import then mesh (fbx file you just made).
If it asks for you to do resize say no, If it says there is location data, select Yes, you can always move it later. Select the Part in Explorer and Press F to teleport it.
Sorry I’m bad at explaining stuff. Hope this helps!

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